Stock Fund | 1.425.212.981,42 | 35,92 |
Variable Fund | 944.659.963,48 | 23,81 |
Gold Participation Fund | 408.734.559,76 | 10,30 |
Gold Fund | 362.140.631,93 | 9,13 |
Index Fund | 251.778.292,08 | 6,35 |
Debt Instruments Fund | 158.296.292,08 | 3,99 |
Participation Fund | 88.684.050,90 | 2,24 |
Fund of Funds | 61.068.039,68 | 1,54 |
Mixed Fund | 44.596.783,31 | 1,12 |
Government Bonds and Bills in Foreign Currencies (FX) | 33.303.865,97 | 0,84 |
Private Sector Bonds Fund | 31.550.348,47 | 0,80 |
Central Transfor of Claim Assigmnet Fund | 26.535.786,98 | 0,67 |
Life Cycle/Target Fund | 24.191.171,77 | 0,61 |
Lease Certificate Participation Fund | 22.240.608,79 | 0,56 |
Participation Standard Fund | 15.995.869,65 | 0,40 |
Foreign Debt Securities Fund | 14.769.417,35 | 0,37 |
Participation Variable Fund | 13.505.388,23 | 0,34 |
AES Participation Standard Fund | 10.808.893,79 | 0,27 |
Lease Certificate Fund | 10.531.388,12 | 0,27 |
Standard Fund | 8.848.107,60 | 0,22 |
Govt. Bonds and Bills Fund | 8.557.130,89 | 0,22 |
AES Standard Fund | 1.422.428,81 | 0,04 |
Total | 3.967.432.001,06 | 100,00 |