Stock Fund | 892.401.947,02 | 37,51 |
Variable Fund | 579.083.982,65 | 24,34 |
Gold Participation Fund | 230.482.647,74 | 9,69 |
Gold Fund | 216.666.740,60 | 9,11 |
Index Fund | 158.466.497,23 | 6,66 |
Debt Instruments Fund | 66.637.016,42 | 2,80 |
Participation Fund | 52.868.758,65 | 2,22 |
Fund of Funds | 35.185.148,78 | 1,48 |
Mixed Fund | 27.926.788,93 | 1,17 |
Government Bonds and Bills in Foreign Currencies (FX) | 22.661.180,23 | 0,95 |
Private Sector Bonds Fund | 14.091.563,54 | 0,59 |
Lease Certificate Participation Fund | 13.455.981,32 | 0,57 |
Life Cycle/Target Fund | 13.168.766,34 | 0,55 |
Central Transfor of Claim Assigmnet Fund | 12.283.225,22 | 0,52 |
Foreign Debt Securities Fund | 8.989.504,39 | 0,38 |
Participation Variable Fund | 8.067.172,77 | 0,34 |
Participation Standard Fund | 7.589.527,78 | 0,32 |
Lease Certificate Fund | 5.690.057,57 | 0,24 |
AES Participation Standard Fund | 4.606.568,54 | 0,19 |
Standard Fund | 4.432.031,88 | 0,19 |
Govt. Bonds and Bills Fund | 3.990.438,04 | 0,17 |
AES Standard Fund | 478.021,25 | 0,02 |
Total | 2.379.223.566,89 | 100,00 |